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Frequently Asked Questions

Is “El Centro” a club?
No. “El Centro” is a tutoring service for students interested in practicing and learning multilingual skills. We also offer one-on-one mentoring services for students requiring assistance in academic, professional, and personal areas of their lives.

Is “El Centro” only for Latinx students?
No. El Centro is a welcoming place for students of all backgrounds and diversities. We encourage and invite all students interested in learning about foreign languages or different cultures to join us in community. Our goal is to provide a safe space for students to express their cultures and differences.

Where is “El Centro?”
“El Centro” is located along Lancaster Avenue in between the Grand Campus pedway and Beckham Hall. The building is directly across from Grand Campus and right next to EKU’s Turner Gate. You can also scan the QR code below for a walking map from EKU’s Powell Building to McCreary Hall.

QR Code of walking map to McCreary Hall. What can I do at “El Centro?”
Many things! In addition to tutoring, mentoring, and study spaces, El Centro also offers community and academic/social events! You can come visit us to get to know your professors and fellow students better! Additionally, we also offer academic and professional workshops such as help with the FAFSA, International Women’s Day workshop, etc. Some of our social workshops include painting & hand-lettering, K-Pop dance fit, and yoga!

Is “El Centro” open during the weekends?
Sometimes! While we aren’t consistently open on the weekends, you can check our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates on our hour changes.

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